The Magnesium Supplement I take every day as a Certified Integrative Health Coach

The Magnesium Supplement I take every day as a Certified Integrative Health Coach

I may be a health coach, but I'm also a Mum, Grandma and a business owner so I have a demanding life like most and by keeping my magnesium levels balanced I’m able to rest well, repair well and invest well for my future myself and those around me.  

The world of supplements can be a mind field and I find magnesium to be one of the more complex ones as many supplements simply say magnesium on the front and they could be any of the magnesiums available and maybe not the one you need for your health challenge. 

Its for this reason I wanted to share some information with the Elle Sera community about the importance and benefits of Elle Sera's Magnesium Bisglycinate.

Did you know that up to 50% of people in Europe and North America are not meeting their daily recommend amount of magnesium? As a health coach, I recommend magnesium to nearly all of my clients, regardless of whether they’re dealing with infertility, menopause, anxiety, brain fog, sleep quality (I used to sleep terribly before I stated taking it), concentration or stress. Magnesium is a game-changer when it comes to all of these health issues, but note, not all magnesiums do the same job ( there are eleven different types of magnesium, each one serving different roles ) and of course not all magnesium supplements are created equal. 

 Why Magnesium Deficiency is so common? 

Well, the Western diet no matter how hard we try is often ultra-processed based, even when we try to eat whole, natural foods, our soil is greatly depleted of vital minerals. Many of us are fed or over fed, but still often under nourished. As it’s the quality of what we eat that has declined. This is due to over-farming, the abundant use of chemical treatments such as pesticides and often the milage our food has taken and then is stored before we even go to purchase it never mind consume it. As a result, even people eating healthy diets like the Mediterranean diet or cooking all from scratch may still be missing out getting enough magnesium through diet alone. 

Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, so a deficiency can have quite an effect on your health. Low magnesium levels can contribute to poor sleep, brain fog, headaches, muscle cramps, anxiety and even stress. Stress is especially interesting as stress it’s self depletes your levels of magnesium, but you are also more likely to be stressed or anxious if you already have low levels of magnesium, so the cycle between the two can create an accelerated downwards spiral. Additionally certain prescribed medications can further deplete magnesium levels such as many birth control pills and antibiotics as well as over the counter medications such as stomach acid blockers.  

The WMA (The World Medical Association) states that magnesium deficiency is linked to a number of health issues such as, type 2 diabetes, bone deterioration, inflammation and neurological conditions.Therefore it’s no wonder so many of us are feeling the effects of deficiency. Many G.Ps are also suggesting people look into supplementing with magnesium, but unfortunately they don’t say which one. Then people often end up buying magensium citrate as it is low cost and are then bascially buying a laxative.  

Why do I Recommend Elle Sera Magnesium Bisglycinate? 

When it comes to magnesium supplementation, the type of magnesium you take matters. 

Many forms of magnesium do not cross the blood brain barrier and also can be hard to not only be absorbed but if taken in a pill form, not all are digested with ease. This is gentle on the tummy still maintaining your optimum benefits.  


Magnesium bisglycinate is one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium, meaning your body absorbs it better than many other types. This is because it is bonded to the amino acid glycine, which helps it pass through the digestive tract and into the bloodstream more easily.  

This is a huge advantage because when you’re taking a supplement, you want to make sure your body can actually absorb and utilise the nutrients. Other forms of magnesium, like magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate, can be harder for the body to absorb and may cause digestive discomfort, such as loose stools. 

It Crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier 

Another reason I love magnesium bisglycinate is because it can cross the blood-brain barrier, which allows it to have a more direct effect on the brain and nervous system. The majority of people will be familiar with the gut brain axis, but it works both ways, the brain gut axis, so keeping the mind more calm will also be protecting your gut too. By being able to cross over the blood brain barrier it makes it especially helpful for those dealing with anxiety, insomnia, or brain fog, issues I see regularly in my practise regardless of age or gender due to the over stimulation of the modern Western life. In comparison, many other forms of magnesium—such as magnesium oxide or magnesium sulfate—don’t cross the blood-brain barrier as efficiently. This means they may not offer the same calming benefits for mental health. 

Better Absorption with Vitamin B6 (5-P5P). 

Why pair these two together? Because magnesium and vitamin B6 work synergistically, meaning they help each other be better absorbed by the body and support their respective roles. They are both needed in their own right, but also almost like cheerleaders and coaches of each other so they can maximise their own job too.  

Why the Liposomal formula? 

 Studies show that liposomes can boost the absorption of nutrients by up to 30 times, making them more effective in the body. Thus you are getting more for your money. Unlike regular tablets, liposomal supplements are tiny spheres made of phospholipids, the same material that makes up our cell membranes. This helps protect the active ingredients from stomach acid and allows them to pass directly into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. Because of this better absorption, liposomal supplements are great for nutrients like magnesium. Unlike expensive intravenous treatments, liposomal supplements offer a more affordable and effective way to enhance nutrient absorption. 

The champion of capsules

The chlorophyll capsule used supports a healthier immune response and improve overall digestion as well as absorption of your masterful magnesium.  

 So when should you take it?  

It can be taken any time, but most people find the most benefit to take it before bed as I find many people don’t have a great support sleep routine and need can help to wind down. Plus it can get to work doing its support while you rest.  

Elle Sera's Magnesium Bisglycinate is a supplement I take personally & recommend professionally every day. You can learn more here.


- Liberty Mills 

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